Monday, July 21, 2008

Facebook leads to two-year prison sentence...

Blogger News Network is reporting on a 20-year old Rhode Island native who has been sentenced to two years in prison for a drunk driving accident that left another driver seriously injured. Now you are probably asking, "What does this have to do with an Internet privacy blog?" The answer: Two weeks after he was charged, Joshua Lipton attended a Halloween party dressed as a "jail bird." The photos of him partying were posted on Facebook, which ended up being very useful to the prosecution.

The prosecution found these photos and used them as evidence in court. They said Joshua was an "unrepentant partier" who "lived" it up, even though the victim of the crash was in the hospital. The judge agreed and before giving out his sentence deemed Justin to be "depraved."

Prosecutors are not the only ones who are using social networking sites to make important professional decisions. Many employers are looking up their candidates on these sites to see what kind of life they lead and if they would like to employ them, or not.

It is probably a good idea to completely delete your profiles when you are looking for a job...or when you are on trial. Better yet, think twice before you post anything.

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