Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Users Stand Up Against Online Fraud

Users are continuously showing an increasing consciousness about online privacy. Particularly with online fraud, they are now showing concern unlike before that they have remained passive. Alongside with this development is the need to set privacy limits whenever they go surfing. They want to maintain better control of their personal information. Online retailers shall now take the right steps to give users the protection that they need.

Users showed this emerging consciousness in a recent survey about online fraud. Two entities, one a privacy research firm and the other a fraud prevention provider joined efforts in the endeavor. The survey reported that 85% of users today worry about becoming victims of online fraud. This is a significant increase, considering that a similar survey ran previously by the same entities posted an 80% result. The survey focused on fraud areas like identity theft, credit card scams, spam, phishing, and others.

Web users are now asking retailers to improve their strategies in combating online fraud. They also urged retailers to install a system that will prevent theft of user online information. They even said that the presence of trusted sites can encourage users to be identified online. For authentication purposes, they suggested the use computer serial number, ISP, computer type and make. This is safer compared to the usual personally identifiable information like telephone number and date of birth.

Online businesses have just newly opened their doors to the reality of online fraud. Past incidents have not been properly reported although many admit that they have been victims. There is a significant increase in online transactions and activities among web surfers and retailers. Along with this increase is the attack of online criminals. These occurrences might have caused users to realize their need for protection.

Additional figures from the survey results give a clear picture of how users used to handle online fraud. Nearly one half (47%) of the 607 respondents who are regular internet users admitted that they have already been victims of fraud before. Out of these victims, only 19% took the right action of reporting the crime. Although there is a growing consciousness of fraud protection, consumer education has still to be intensified. Among others, it should be education that empowers users to take the right steps to avoid online fraud.

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Image: dan / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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