Sunday, July 3, 2011

Safe Kids and Their Parents is a website where parents can find resources that can calm their fears about internet safety, and to provide advice on how kids can stay safer online. Having been around for many years, has been building good relationships between parents and children regarding online experiences since its creation. It has a collection of important information that parents need to know about keeping kids safe online.

Technology journalist Larry Magid created and founded, which is one of the oldest internet safety sites. He has made outstanding works and contributions in internet safety, one of which is the 1994 brochure “Child Safety on the Information Highway”. His articles have helped parents maintain strong bonds with their children while maintaining their internet security.

Online safety of children has been the major concern of This problem disturbs more parents than children. Especially in these days of social networking, the site wanted to calm down the fear felt by parents. This is done by providing articles that give good advice. There is a wide variety of topics - safe search, safety tools, safety guides, social networking privacy tools, and more.

The site’s simple layout is attractive to most parents who should not be impressed with elaborate design. The straightforwardness encourages visitors to pay more attention to the content rather than just graphics. Instead of playing around the page, their attention is hooked on the different articles that are posted. Moving through the different information is made easier through the available links. Further, visitors can move from one page to another by the use of the back button on the browser.

Parents can also put a “legal” touch by entering into an agreement with their children. has a Family contract template that can be downloaded. Their children can fill it out and sign it. Then parents can put this near the computer, making it a good visual reminder to children about their promises about using the internet safely.

Parents and children can easily avoid the dangers on the internet with proper rules for children and guidelines for parents. has lots of related resources, and all of these come in handy. To establish a good relationship, parents just need to be open with their children about their concern over privacy and safety. Parents and guardians can use the contact information to ask any questions or report any concern. Parents and children alike can feel free to shop for internet safety materials at

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