Thursday, July 14, 2011

Social Media Etiquette for Moms

The social media has successfully hooked users of all ages, and new moms are given the rules regarding information sharing when it comes to their children. encourages parents to follow some rules of etiquette on the internet. These rules include standards regarding how new mothers should manage the sharing of information about themselves and their children. Generally, moms have the natural tendency to post anything that they consider as their child’s happy moments or milestones.

Moms would unsuspectingly share their child’s photos and activities on the internet without any inkling that what they are doing could affect their privacy. While this could be acceptable to some degree, Babble recommends that parents should not be careless about it. It has laid down some rules for using information that risks some questions on internet etiquette and privacy.

Moms are told not to share details about their baby’s bathroom habits. There might be some peculiar incidents in these stories that moms would find interesting or “funny”. However, no amount of good storytelling can hide the fact that they are posting something ridiculous. A social networking site is not the place to post these stories. Moms need to think before they post.

Another thing that moms should avoid sharing - what they do from sign on to sign off. There are those who post their every action and tend to add a hint of self-righteousness in it. Everyday household activities are normal and should not be “sold” to the public as being unique. Moms should learn how to exude good vibes that could infect other moms who might also be in the same boat.

Child photographs are another concern. Moms are advised to have an archive of the “best of” photos of their children. It is absurd to find 20 photographs, all of which are showing a toddler crying. To every mom, a child’s photo is a work of art and deserves display, but she should learn to limit. She should choose only those really significant photos for her friends to see.

Birthing photographs are considered treasures, especially those of the first born child. However, no matter how beautiful moms think of the event, they should never post those pictures. These revealing photos would not add to man’s knowledge about childbirth. Instead of posting these kinds of pictures, moms should engage in more worthwhile social networking activities. Why should they not post positive comments about other children? They can make other moms happy and secure knowing that their children are also appreciated by others.

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Image: Jomphong /

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