Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Throw those credit cards out...unless you like not having any privacy,

A recent report by Freedom Works discussed one of the newest privacy threats we should know about. Congress has sketched a new proposal that would require all merchants' payment systems to be tracked, recorded, and reported to the federal government.

This legislation will affect any credit card transaction made. Businesses will be required to give up that information once they swipe a card. The hopes of Internet privacy or being able to surf anonymously may be nonexistent if you use Amazon, PayPal, or any other online merchant. The online vendors are also required to divulge the information and report transactions to the government.

Many questions are raised throughout this article such as:
  • What is the federal government's purpose with this kind of detailed data?
  • How will this database be secured, and who will have access?
  • Many small proprietors use their Social Security number as their tax ID. How will their privacy be protected?
  • What compliance costs will this impose on businesses?
These important questions need to be answered before the legislation continues. With the rise of ID Theft and American citizens' worries about government spying, this legislation seems to completely forgo privacy protection.

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