Wednesday, June 11, 2008 is here to bring us, "Privacy news, data breaches, and privacy-related events and resources from around the world." This is a great site to visit for news and important information regarding your privacy. PogoWasRight contributor, PrivacyNews, updates frequently with headlines that are important to all of us. You can see the most recent, updated headlines and additions right on the front page.

If you want to search for articles and postings on a specific subject you have many to choose from. The sections include: Federal Government, REAL ID, Internet & Computers, Surveillance, and Business & Privacy. Clicking one of these topics brings you to the most recent updates for that section.

The "Other Privacy Sections," area offers resources for proposed legislation. The site also offers a blog, Chronicles of Dissent, which has some great articles and links to a blog dedicated to information about medical privacy. The site also shows upcoming Privacy Events and Conventions, with links to each for more details. PrivacyNews also takes leads by e-mail, in case something slipped by, that you feel should be a headline. You can also become a member of and post comments and submit items.

This is definitely a place to go for news and information regarding privacy. The site offers relevant and recent headlines to keep us all informed on the next big threat to privacy.

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